This section provides users of this website information on how their personal data is processed as set forth by art. 13 and 14 of EU Regulation n.679/2016 – General Data Protection Regulation.
This notice fully also satisfies and complies with Recommendation n 2/2001 which the European Authorities for personal data protection, reunited in the Group established pursuant to directive n. 95/46/CE art.29, adopted on 17 May 2001 to identify minimum requirements for collection of personal data online and, specifically, the conditions, terms and nature of the information that data treatment controllers must provide the users when they visit web pages, regardless of the purpose of such activity. The data related to identified or identifiable subjects may be processed when visiting this website.
It is herewith specified that the consent mechanisms will be straightforward, quick and easy to understand; should the original conditions under which the consent has been requested vary, for example when changing the purpose of data processing, a further consent will be requested pursuant to EU Regulation n. 679/2016. It is also specified that all collected consents will be object of documentation kept separated from any other company file.
The Controller of the personal data connected to identified or identifiable subjects and processed after visiting our website is Tosi F.lli S.r.l. Frazione Roccapietra Z.I, Via Monte Rosa,1, 13019 Varallo (VC) Italy –
The data processing connected to the web services of this website is performed by Tosi S.r.l.’s employees/collaborators. No data connected to the web service is disclosed or transmitted to third parties. Personal data provided by users requesting our services is used only to provide the service or product requested, and it is not disclosed to third parties except when provided for by Law or when strictly necessary to fulfil the requests. Processing connected to the website services is carried out at the a/m registered office and at the registered office of the website service provider; it is performed only by the company’s employees or occasional maintenance operators entrusted by the company.
Navigation Data
Computer-based systems and software procedures used for operating this website acquire personal data which transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
This information is not collected for association with identified subjects, but for its very nature it may enable to identify the users through processing and associations with data held by third parties.
This data category includes IP addresses or domain names of computers connecting users to the website, URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, time of the request, method used to transmit the request to the server, dimension of the response file, numerical codes indicating the status of the server response (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.
This data is processed only to collect anonymous statistical information on how the website is used and to control its proper operation. The data is deleted right after processing.
The data may be used to verify responsibility in case of hypothetical computer-based crimes affecting the website.
Short summarizing information will be progressively reported or visualized on the dedicated website pages. Personal data provided by users asking for informative material (requests of information, etc.) is only used to carry out the service or request and is disclosed to third parties only when strictly necessary.
Optional, explicit and voluntary transmission of emails sent to the addresses included in this website will provide for subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address to respond to his request, together with other personal data included in the message and data collected through the Online Services dedicated forms.
Personal data is processed with automated tools for the time strictly required to fulfil the purposes of its collection.
We adopt specific safety measures to prevent data loss, illicit or improper use and unauthorized access.